Services & Rates

As your book editor…

I support authors through the editing process by providing feedback and taking the time to answer questions. My goal is to carefully edit your manuscript and help you reach your goal to publish your book!

What is Structural Editing?

A structural edit examines the overall manuscript for organization, flow, clarity, and content consistency.

A structural editor may suggest a reorganization of chapters, sections, or paragraphs to improve the writing flow.

My rate for structural editing is 3₵ per word.


What is Line Editing?

Line editing reviews a manuscript at the sentence level and aims to improve the readability of the piece. This type of editing examines the writing style and language used while maintaining the author’s voice. These are examples of what a line editor is looking for:

  • Redundancy
  • Run-on sentences
  • Sentences or paragraphs that can be tightened
  • Changes in tone or flow
  • Transitions between sentences and paragraphs

A line editor may also suggest using words or phrases that help clarify or enhance the writing.

My rate for line editing is 2.5₵ per word.


**Please note all prices listed here are in Canadian dollars.**

What is Copy Editing?

Copy editing aims to ensure the correctness, accuracy, consistency, and completeness of a manuscript. A copy editor focuses on the following:

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Capitalization
  • Punctuation
  • Syntax
  • Factual errors

A copy editor will also ensure the consistency of hyphenation and number treatment throughout the manuscript, referring to a chosen style guide (for example, the Chicago Manual of Style) to ensure all of the above.

My rate for copy editing is 2₵ per word.

What is Proofreading?

Proofreading is the last step in the editing process before publishing. It is done after the editing has been completed and the manuscript has been formatted. A proofreader will correct any remaining errors in the manuscript. The proofreader will also compare the final edited Word document to the formatted manuscript to ensure there are no missing pages or awkward page breaks. Typically, the proofreading is done by someone other than the copy editor.

My rate for proofreading is 1.5₵ per word.

Book Formatting Services

Let me format your completed manuscript into a print-ready PDF file. Your file will include:

  • Title page
  • Front matter (copyright page, table of contents, dedication, etc.)
  • Back matter (acknowledgements, resources, author bio, etc.)
  • Choice from a selection of fonts and styles for titles, headers, subtitles, body of text

** Please note that if you have pictures or graphics that you want to be included in the book’s formatting, a charge of $50 will be added to your total. **

Prices for print-ready PDF formatting only:

Up to 25K words – $100 (This includes two rounds of revisions if needed)

26K to 50K words – $200 (This includes two rounds of revisions if needed)

51K to 100K words – $300 (This includes three rounds of revisions if needed)

101K to 200K words – $400 (This includes three rounds of revisions if needed)

Prices for PDF and ePub formatting:

Up to 25K words – $175 (This includes two rounds of revisions if needed)

26K to 50K words – $275 (This includes two rounds of revisions if needed)

51K to 100K words – $375 (This includes three rounds of revisions if needed)

101K to 200K words – $475 (This includes three rounds of revisions if needed)

Prices for PDF and ePub formatting plus proofreading:

Up to 25K words – $500 (This includes two rounds of formatting revisions if needed)

26K to 50K words – $900 (This includes two rounds of formatting revisions if needed)

51K to 100K words – $1,300 (This includes three rounds of formatting revisions if needed)

101K to 200K words – $1,700 (This includes three rounds of formatting revisions if needed)

Other services I provide to authors include…

Are you looking for writing services, such as content for your website, an author bio, and book blurbs or summaries? I can help you with that! Contact me to find out how you can tack it on to other services I provide to you or if you want it as a service on its own. 

Email [email protected] or click here to book a phone call or video chat.